Reproducible Research Seminar

6th and 9th of april 2021, Grenoble, France

Planning 9th April

Program : Friday 9 Avril 2021


13H30 - 13H35 : Welcome to participants

13H35 - 14H15 : DATA stewardship Grenoble Alpes: support to data management, Violaine Louvet, Gricad

14H25 - 15h05 : The electronic laboratory notebook to improve FAIR. Exemple with eLabFTW, Nicolas Carpi, Institut Curie    [pdf slides]

15H15 - 15h25 : Coffee break

15H25 - 16h05 : Reproductibility and numerical experiments, Pierre-Antoine Bouttier, Gricad   [pdf slides]

16H15 - 16h55 : Reproducibility in data science - An overview, Jean-Baptiste Durand, LJK  [pdf slides]

17H05              : Closure


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